By now you are well aware of the problems with sitting—it is bad for your weight, energy, and overall health. And if you haven’t made the switch to a Xdesk height adjustable desk by now, well, maybe this will do the trick.
The video above is all about the detriments of sitting for too long and the benefits of using different aspects of an ergonomic workstation—a height adjustable desk, a supportive chair and monitor arms. These folks know ergonomics. Herman Miller has been making ergonomic chairs and furniture for over 75 years. Just like Xdesk, they are unique in their looks, they are ergonomically designed, and they use quality materials. As a matter of fact, a good ergonomic chair like a Herman Miller might make a great coupling for your height adjustable desk—for when you do want to sit down.
Anyway, check out the video. If this doesn’t get you to make the switch to a height adjustable desk, I don’t know what will… (Except maybe our next post. You won’t want to miss it!)
What kind of chair do you use with your height adjustable desk?